Monday, March 5, 2012

If you are reading this, than I am successful in my ventures

I wish to start writing a Web-comic.

Let me explain.  I have no idea what to make it about, what basis to start it on, I only know that I don't want it to be about my own life.  Web-comics about one's own life typically get really boggy and boring after a certain point, and when it suddenly gets really exciting you can't be sure whether or not your author has a really exciting life or is just writing out some role-play fantasy.  I don't want to do something like that.  I'd rather just point out things in the world that people tend to overlook but turn out to be quite funny.  We interrupt this broadcast for the absolute best BlazBlue character.

The reason I want to start a Web-comic is kind of selfish.  Honestly, it's because I'm feeling bored.  I need a project to devote myself to, so I'll devote myself to this.